
Friday, July 28, 2006

Graphology Part1

Do you know that the way we think is the way we write ! "We cannot change our handwriting". We sign the way want to be seen to the world. Our signature plays a very important role for our progress in life. Even if our name is numerologically correct and signature has a bad angle, there will always be problems. For all kinds of growth in life our name should be numerologically correct and perfect signature angle

If you use only Numerology or only Graphology there will always be opportunities but due to pessimistic thinking & negative vibrations you will always miss opportunities & make wrong decisions! But only by using Numerology & Graphology together you can build a great future. Your signature is very important. The angle of signatures gives you progress or depression in life. You sign the way you want to be seen to the world. The change of handwriting changes your personality. An introvert can become an extrovert and a lazy person can become extremely energetic.

What is Numerology?

It is a science of studying numbers. Every alphabet is given a number & by summing the alphabets of any name we get a total. Numerological calculations tell us whether the vibrations of the name number & the total are good or bad for us!

Why should we use numerology?

The day we are born our birth date number rules on us & give us all positive vibrations. The day we get a name we start getting another vibration (the number we derive from the total of the name). It is very important that the name vibrations match with the birth date vibrations for growth, happiness & positive approach towards life. As we cannot change our date of birth we add or subtract alphabets from our name to match the vibrations of our birth date so that all positive happens in our life.

How does numerology help us in daily life?

All numbers do not vibrate with each other. Every number has its own qualities. If the name number & the total derived from it does not vibrate with our birth date number & comes to a bad total then ill fortune, heart breaks, disease, quarrels, negative thinking & all kind of wrong things happen in life. But if the name number vibrates with our date of birth & comes to a good total then things move fast, removes confusion & gives positive thinking, removes negative people around us, gives growth to business, happiness in love, mental peace & satisfaction & all kinds of success & happiness in all aspects of life.

Have you ever thought why people with surnames Agarwal, Ambani , Aurora,Bakshi, Bose, Bhatija, Birla, Dhoot, Dhody, Ghosh, Goenka,Goyal, Iyer, Kumar, Khanna, Kapoor, Kapur, Mittal, Mancchanda, Oberoi, Patel, Patil, Purohit, Ratnam, Singhania, Singh, Seth, Shroff, Shah, Sanghvi, Tanwani, always do well in life & have tremendous growth. The reason is that the total of all these surnames are very powerful & have magnetic attraction for success in all they undertake. Like other people they do their "karm" (deeds) but luck is always with them!

What is Graphology?

Graphology is more usually known as handwriting analysis. Considered both an art & science. It is study of handwriting. The aim is of revealing the character and personality of the writer, including his or her strengths, weaknesses and abilities. As handwriting comes from the unconscious, it contains a great deal of information, which can be useful for interpreting ones character. Any time we write, we are under the influence of emotions that dictate our mood at the time of writing. The brain transmits its instruction via the motor nervous system for the hand to carry out. This expression is a mixture of conscious thought and unconscious automatic responses learnt as part of the stimulation. The way we think is the way we write. We cannot change our handwriting because we cannot change our thinking. But if we change our handwriting our thinking changes.

What is Graphotherapy ?

If anyone has negative traits such as being short tempered or procrastination or laziness it can be removed by change of handwriting. The change of handwriting is called graphotherapy . An astrologer or any kind of soothsayer will look into a persons palm or horoscope & explain why the person has a negative quality & might suggest some Puja & talk about planets but a graphologist will tell the person to change the handwriting & the negative traits will be gone in a months time. Each individual's handwriting is unique to them and so can reveal a lot about their nature and behavioral characteristics, such as aggression and manner.

Dr.Amish Vyas


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